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Motorsports Jobs in Fremont

About 034Motorsport At 034Motorsport, we are passionate about performance, precision engineering, and providing the highest level of service to our customers. As a leader in aftermarket performance parts for Audi and Vo...
2w ago
EMBEDDED SOFTWARE REVERSE ENGINEER The embedded software reverse engineer will collaborate with a team to analyze, gain access, and interact with various sectors within an Electronic Control Unit (ECU). This role invo...
1m ago
034Motorsport has a well known and respected performance service center in the California Bay Area for the regular maintenance and high performance solutions on Audi and Volkswagen automobiles. As part of our plan to ex...
1m ago
PERFORMANCE POWERTRAIN CALIBRATION ENGINEER 034Motorsport is a widely known engineering and manufacturing firm of high performance Audi and Volkswagen automotive solutions. We are a company made up of automotive enthu...
1m ago

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